Friday 31 October 2008

First draft of my research report


Since ancient times, especially in recent years the number of students who prefer to complete their undergraduate degree or postgraduate degree outside their country specifically States that have a huge reputation of their strong and excellent universities,
for example, America and Britain, but most of these students do not have efficient financial support to end their studies we see them face many of the financial problems.
One of the most important problems is the one related to the cost of the expensive living in Britain, we note these students looking for cheap and un secure accommodation just for saving for their school expenses, as well as using cheaper methods of transportation and some times it could take up to twice the distance to reach their universities for the same goal, savings for tuition fees. For that most students rely on their parents financially and some are sponsor by their governments as a scholarships, others do not have any kind of support and they are financially dependent on, in this case the students have to work in a part-time jobs so they will be able to pay for all their finances.

For all this many studies have been done to obtain convenient solutions for students to complete their university without financial problems in spite of all this, it has not conducted a study involving pre-sessional students at London Metropolitan University, it is useful to discover the problems facing them and to find out what can be done to help these students.


The aim of the survey is to investigate the financial problems faced by pre-sessional Students at London Metropolitan University related to the cost of living for example, which type of accommodation they prefer, are they supported by their parents or sponsored by their governments. An additional aim is to know whether those students are Looking for another source of income to help them in their life such as working in a part time jobs.


The sample size was 12. We have been taken to a big room full of pre-sessional student at London Metropolitan University, our aim was to trial the survey we have done. There were many students of different nationalities, different gender, different ages and different type of attendance(Full-time, Part-time) and we asked them to fill in the survey that seeks information about their financial situation and any effect it has had during their studies.

Our group survey

we did this survey to try our research on small sample of 12 students you can find it throw the link below:[1].docx.html

Self study(prepare to my research report)

i looked on the intenet at these useful links about financial problems faced by students:

Monday 13 October 2008

The Most Enjoyable Time i Spent in Cambridge

As a student who lived in Cambridge for a while, I want to tell you in brief how i spend my free time there. As a movies fan i spend most of my time in Cambridge Leisure one of the most popular places there, specially when the weather is terrible as it is an indoor erea. While in the sunny days, i prefer to lay down in the park by the river and enjoy the stunning view of the sunset there.

When i feel that i am in a good mood for shopping, i go either to Grafton centre, a centre which is full of brands, and sometimes if i am lucky, i find some festivals running there where food international products are provided or i go to the city centre, the lively busy erea in the middle of the town.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

The Best Way to See Cambridge

First of all i would like to introduce those of you who are international students to Cambridge, the small historic city which is in eastern England (East Anglia). It's known as a home of the highbred University due to that, Cambridge has a reputation for being international student destination.

The area of the city is 41 square kilmetres. However, According to 2001 statistics the population of Cambridge was 91.933, excluding students, Cambridge has more than 16.500 students.

For me as a student who has lived there for 9 months, i would highly recommend visiting Cambridge Leisure, a place where students mostly enjoy them selves, cinema, bowling area, restaurants, cafes, bars, fitness health club and theatre. Having all of these in one place, makes it the student paradise.

Many tourists visit Cambridge every year. There are lot's of things to do in Cambridge such as Punting on the River Cam in a wooden boat. In addition there are many international restaurants and cafes along the river side and in the City Center. If you visit Cambridge don't forget to inspire your self by the historical museums and the art galleries.

There is too much to see in one day. I highly recommend you to Stay a few nights or for a weekend and explore the market towns and country side around Cambridge.

Thursday 2 October 2008

Summay from a local newspaper's article

A man was sttabed outside a bar in mill road, The man was seriously injured but he was rescued by the owner of the bar he used his belt to stop the bleeding from the injured man.

The wounded man was taken to Addenbrookes hospital. Until then, a 22-year-old was arrested as a suspect and was taken to a police station in the Parkside.

Since then, there are a lot of blood and bloody footprints on the pavement outside the pub. However, This attack did not worry the population of Cambridge, especially the local inhabitants of this road. The press has asked a resident of the street if the attack would cause them concernment?! and this was the response:
"Although I know that Mill Road has a reputation for not being a very safe place, I've lived there for two years and have never had any trouble at all.
"For me, Mill Road is much more about the diverse community and the independent shops: I love living there."

see the original article on

Entertainment in Cambridge

Cambridge is a small historic city, it's known as a home of the highbred University. The area of the city is 41 square kilmetres. However, According to 2001 statistics the population of Cambridge was 91.933, excluding students, Cambridge has more than 16.500 students.

Many tourists visit Cambridge every year. There are lot's of things to do in Cambridge such as Punting on the River Cam in a wooden boat. In addition there are many international restaurants and cafes along the river side and in the City Center. If you visit Cambridge don't forget to inspire your self by the historical museums and the art gallaries.

There is too much to see in one day. I highly recommend you to Stay a few nights or for a weekend and explore the market towns and country side around Cambridge.